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Customize iRestora Plus Restaurant software
Setup Zimbra policy to block outgoing mail to other domain for specific users
Integrate ZOHO people attendance with ESSL attendance machine
Set up and configure Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM
Setup click to call function in ERP/Website (using Asterisk)
Create REST API Using Codeigniter 4
Create whatsapp bot with Natural language translation
Automate scrap data form for companies and store in CSV
Set up and configure Active eCommerce CMS
Build Discord bot in nodejs
create web interactive maps with leaflet and mapbox
install Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script
Seamless WhatsApp API Integration for Your ERP with Zolute
create custom process workflow in zoho CRM
Find The Missing Piece Game - Construct 3 C3P HTML5 Kids Educational Game Customization
TigX Python Clock - PythonTX Customization